在解說小冊上看到一則很美麗的傳說, 翻譯出來就不美了, 所以抄錄如下:
Before the beginning of this time, The People lived in the Third World. Life was hard. There was sickness, little food, and it was cold and dark. The Elders heard footsteps on the roof of their world, and became determined to find out if there was life beyond. In a special place they prayerfully planted a fir tree, which grew until it almost touched the roof of the Third World. Next, the elders constructed a ladder of reeds and placed it against the tree. They climbed the ladder, and made a hole in the roof with a sharp reed pole. They then sent Water Bird to see what this new world was made of. When Water Bird returned, she sang of a world of beautiful streams, lakes, mountains, plains, dry lands, other birds, plantes, animals, and much more.
The Elders gathered the People together and, with the help of the Sacred Clowns and First Man and First Woman, they led the People through the Earth's Navel into this, the Fourth World. As they emerged they stepped into a spiraling Rainbow Path. They were greeted by the rising Sun and setting Moon, Bear and Deer, evergreen trees, life-giving plants, and mountains and waters, all of which gave them guidance and orientation in this new world.
Around the Earth's Navel they gathered and, with their feet firmly planted on the Rainbow Path, they "asked for life." Then they divided into four groups, each with their clans, chosen leaders, and special bundles of gifts. Together they recited the story of their emergence, knowing that this was the story they would always share as they journeyed in the new world. And so, each group traveled to one of the four directions to find their life from this "place that the People think about," this Center, the Earth's Navel.
這樣的中心點, "地球的肚臍", 是不是讓你想到位於地面下的kiva?
Morris在1921年挖掘這個Great Kiva, 出土時許多細節都還在喔。 只是當年沒有錢好好保護這樣的歷史文物, 東西丟在那日曬風吹雨淋, 很快地, 種種特色細節都不見了, 一下雨下雪就變成池塘外加掉下來一堆石頭的存在。 終於, 國家公園處也看不下去了, 在13年後請來Morris將它重建。
Morris參觀了Chaco Canyon裡的Great Kiva想找個好的模型來用, 卻沒發現讓他覺得適合的, 於是決定依照他自己的記憶跟直覺來重建。 這是整個西南部最大規模重建的Great Kiva, 也可能是對很多人來講這處national monument裡最有看頭的"景點"。
Great Kiva直徑長50feet, 外圍有十五間房, 每一間都有一扇門通往廣場。 四支大石柱撐起天花板上的樑, 所撐起的屋頂估計有95噸重。 每根柱子的下面有四塊大石盤, 每片重約355磅。 用手工製造的石盤是石灰石做成的, 要40英哩外的山裡才有生產石灰石。 這些跟Chaco Canyon裡的Great Kiva都一模一樣, 包括那兩個不知幹什麼用的長方形Vault。
但經過這麼多年的研究及更多遺跡開挖結果比較, 現代的考古學家認為Morris犯了三個錯誤: 1. 屋頂沒有那麼高。 大多數人認為, 室內應該不會高過六呎。 2. 撐起屋頂的應該是木頭柱子, 不是石柱。 3. 房間不應該有開向外面的門。 那些很可能是牆上的niches。
At the very beginning of this Place by Flowing Waters, The People gathered to builld a Great Kiva. In so doing, they enacted the joining of the primal pairing of nature that bonded them as one people, male and female: Sky and Earth, sun and moon, winter and summer. The Great Kiva represented the First House created by the People upon their emgergence from the Earth's Navel. The Great Kiva was the place where all the clans met to celebrate that First Story. The Great Kiva was the center of the Cosmos, where the six sacred directions symbolically came together, where The People reconnected with their spiritual and mythic origins and were nourished by the spiritual Center, the Earth's navel.
The People celebrated the mystery of life in their kivas and their plaza. They sang ancient songs timed to the beat of their drums... and their hearts. They danced in honor and prayer to the animals and plants whose life they shared in this place. Through their rituals they strove to establish a 'resonance' with the Earth and the Cosmos. They believed harmony in the Cosmos was essential to recreate in their lives, relationships, and community. They People watched the movement of the Sun, Moon, planets, and constellations closely throughhout the year, for these heavenly bodies were part of their mythic story and their understanding of themselves.
重建後的Great Kiva。
Plaza上, Great Kiva旁邊的kiva, 可能是做為儀式進行時的準備室。 牆上木頭的疊法顯示了圓拱形的kiva屋頂是怎麼蓋出來的。
Great Kiva外觀
從Great kiva裡向外望。
下面的"紅色"是根據開挖時牆上留下的些許紅白灰泥來的。 中間是起火堆, 長方形是vault, 跟兩根大柱子。
As you sit in the Great Kiva, you too are participating in this Celebration of Life. You have walked in the footsteps of The People of this Place by Flowing Waters. Remebmer that "place that The People think about".
Chaco都寫完了! 有空再來寫幾篇其它Anasazi的遺跡