在解說小冊上看到一則很美麗的傳說, 翻譯出來就不美了, 所以抄錄如下:
Before the beginning of this time, The People lived in the Third World. Life was hard. There was sickness, little food, and it was cold and dark. The Elders heard footsteps on the roof of their world, and became determined to find out if there was life beyond. In a special place they prayerfully planted a fir tree, which grew until it almost touched the roof of the Third World. Next, the elders constructed a ladder of reeds and placed it against the tree. They climbed the ladder, and made a hole in the roof with a sharp reed pole. They then sent Water Bird to see what this new world was made of. When Water Bird returned, she sang of a world of beautiful streams, lakes, mountains, plains, dry lands, other birds, plantes, animals, and much more.